Science proves a clean house actually makes you happier. having a clean home isn’t the answer to life’s problems… but it can help you feel more in control, relaxed and free of constant responsibility. When you’re stressed or bummed out, the last thing you want to see is a sink full of dirty dishes or toys strewn about the family room. After a long, hard day, coming home to a clean and tidy home can really elevate your mood and help you get into relaxation mode. So what is it about a fresh, clean home that just makes you feel good?  Here are a few tips on how you can keep up on housework to maintain that “tidy home, tidy mind” feeling.

  • The piles of mail! The tower of books in the corner! The tchotchkes crowding every surface! If this sounds like your home, you’re not alone. The first step to being truly happy in your space is to figure out what to keep—and what to let go. “A cluttered room is much more likely to produce, and contribute to, a cluttered mind,” says professional organizer Marie Kondo.


  • A little can go a long way. If you don’t have the time or energy to do a total house clean, but can’t stand the feeling of a messy house… just take five minutes to make your bed, throw out old food from the fridge or put away those clean clothes that have been sitting folded in the basket for 2 days. Even tiny victories will boost your mood and give you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Lastly, don’t forget you can always hire professional help! If having a clean home is something you truly value, treat yourself to professional maid service, or hire someone to clean the exterior of your home. When it comes to some of the more difficult tasks like cleaning out your gutters, washing the siding or even landscaping… not everyone has the ability or tools needed to do it safely – but do your homework to be sure you’re hiring a professional you can trust.
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