Ceiling Cleaning

Ceiling Cleaning

Step by Step Guide: How to clean the high ceiling

The ceiling is the most difficult part to clean at your home and the dust is hard to see. Therefore, we might neglect to clean the ceiling, especially the corners. If the ceiling has not been cleaned for a long time, dust will accumulate on the ceiling as well. The dust on the ceiling will cause allergic problems to our immune system and other respiratory illnesses.

When cleaning the high ceiling, we need to take care of the safety issue as well. If we want to clean the ceiling ourselves, how do we clean it?


What need to prepare before starting a high ceiling cleaning session:

A goggle, mask, ladder, telescoping arm, cloth, cleaning solution, and vacuum cleaner


High ceiling cleaning steps:

1. Set up all the equipment

Set up all the equipment


Before vacuuming, please wear a mask and goggle to prevent the dust get into your eyes and nose. Take the ladder and place it in the area that you want to clean.





2. Vacuum the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

vacuum cleaner



Use a vacuum cleaner with an extension shaft and run along the surface of the ceiling.





3. Using duster




Using a duster to remove the dust on the entire surface of the ceiling. Choosing microfiber material instead of a brush to prevent scratches on the ceiling.




4. Using a DIY cleaning solution

DIY cleaning solution


Mix 1 cup of water, 1 spoon of dishwashing liquid, and 2 spoons of white vinegar. Fill this mixture into a spray bottle and spray to the ceiling.





5. Use a clean cloth to dry the ceiling

dry the ceiling


Gently use the clean cloth to absorb the excessive cleaning solution and dry the ceiling.






Ceiling cleaning



However, cleaning the ceiling is a very dangerous cleaning works that might cause injury, and the cleaning tools for the ceiling should be prepared separately. Therefore, we recommend you hire a professional cleaning company to clean your ceiling regularly.

Hire a professional cleaning company not only can save your time but also we can ensure every corner of your ceiling can be cleaned. Our KMAC International has professionally trained cleaners with complete cleaning equipment for ceiling cleaning.

Call us at 6909 3822 or WhatsApp to 9880 1528 to make an appointment for your cleaning service now.




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